Date Posted:3 June 2019 

Recovery from the devastation of a bushfire involves may facets – emotionally, financially, physically, and you can’t do it alone. Read an outstanding summary of assistance and processes from the Western Australian DFES.

Read the report here: - A Guide to Help You Recover from the Impact of a Bushfire

"The priority of firefighters during a bushfire is the protection of lives, and a decision may be made to relocate residents who are in immediate danger. Once you have been asked to leave your property and relocate to a safer place it may be several days before emergency services give the all clear to allow you to return home.

During a bushfire, roads will be closed for your safety and for safe access to the fire by emergency services. These road blocks are managed by police who will not allow you to return home under any circumstance. Emergency services will do their best to enable you to return to your property as soon as it is safe to do so.

When you do return home you need to take care when moving around the fire affected area, especially your property, as conditions will have changed. Trees damaged in the fire will drop branches or fall over. Burnt stumps and trees may still be smouldering and burnt ground may still be hot."

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